Quotes Zoolander
Zoolander Quotes Maury Ballstein: The designer's got your nuts in a vice! He's offering you three percent for every pair of underwear sold! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO! Top 10 gifs quotes from movie zoolander Amazing zoolander quotes,great quotes from movie zoolander Zoolander is a 2001 comedy about a clueless fashion model, at the end of his career, who is brainwashed to kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Discover and share From The Movie Quotes Zoolander. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Zoolander quotes 1. Hansel: I guess you can dere-lick my balls cap-E-tan. Derek Zoolander: I can Dere-lick my own balls, thank you very much. a judge is needed for the 'walk-off' David Bowie: If nobody has any objections, I. Derek Zoolander quotes › Zoolander. Zoolander (2001) 00:03:39 Without Derek Zoolander, male modelling wouldn't be what it is today. Time - Phrase; 00:03:21 And 'Le.
Derek Zoolander

Zoolander Quotes Imdb
MugatuMultiple Characters
Matilda: What?
Derek Zoolander: I can't sleep with you, OK? My head is killing me...
Matilda: What are you talking about?
Derek Zoolander: Okay, if you just want to fool around or...
Matilda: WAIT! I don't want to sleep with you!
Derelict Zoolander Quote
Maury Ballstein: God? What the shit are you talkin' about? It's me, Maury.
Larry Zoolander: How? With your male modeling? Prancing around in your underwear with your wiener hanging out for everyone to see?
Derek Zoolander: Fine.
Hansel: Why you been acting so messed up towards me?
Derek Zoolander: Why you been acting so messed up towards me?
Hansel: Well, you go first.
Larry Zoolander: For Christ's sake, Derek, you've been down there one day. Talk to me in thirty years.
Derek Zoolander: [thoughtfully looking up and mouthing the words silently] ... fall off the horse...
Maury Ballstein: [looking to supply finish] We... get back on!
Derek Zoolander: Sorry, Maury. I'm not a gymnast.
Derek Zoolander: Mugatu!
J.P. Prewitt: [pauses] Slaves, Derek. So they hired John Wilkes Booth to do Mr. Lincoln in. The first model/actor! Dallas. 1963. John F. Kennedy.
Matilda: Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't a male model.
J.P. Prewitt: You're goddamn right he wasn't, but the two lookers who capped Kennedy from the grassy knoll sure as shit were!
Derek Zoolander: But why male models?
J.P. Prewitt: Are you serious? I just told you.
Derek Zoolander: I know! I turned left!
Matilda: No, you saved the prime minister!
Derek Zoolander: Oh, well, that's cool too.
Matilda: You have been at a day spa for a week.
Derek: So what?!