Qslob Basics
Coverage Basics. Average Benefits Percentage Test – Part 2 of ABT. Average benefits for NHCEs must be at least 70% of the average benefits for HCEs. Look at all plans of the employer (1.410(b)-7(e)). Include 401(k) plans, 401(m) plans, and ESOPs;. Exclude union plans and plans of other QSLOBs (if doing ABPT within a QSLOB);. As of such date, the Plan shall have three “qualified separate lines of business”: (i) the Dow QSLOB, (ii) the KA Steel QSLOB, and (iii) the other “qualified separate line of business” which does not include the preceding two QSLOBs and which is referred to as the “Olin QSLOB”.
What is a QSLOB? Posted on Nov 30 2017 FILED UNDER Building Blocks of ERISA This month’s Building Block provides basic information about “qualified separate lines of business” (QSLOB).
- What is a QSLOB? - Boutwell Fay
members are treated as operating a QSLOB, each employer or group of employers in a line is allowed to apply those requirements separately with respect to the employees of each QSLOB. It is very important to note that this separate line of business exception does not apply to employers who are members of affiliated service groups.
DA:82PA:37MOZ Rank:46
- 26 CFR § 1.414(r)-5 - Qualified separate line of business ...
(a) In general. A separate line of business (as determined under § 1.414(r)-3 satisfies the administrative scrutiny requirement of § 1.414(r)-1(b)(2)(iv)(D) for a testing year if the separate line of business satisfies any of the safe harbors in paragraphs through of this section for the testing year.The safe harbor in paragraph (b) of this section implements the statutory safe harbor of ...
DA:23PA:93MOZ Rank:17
- What is a QSLOB? Boutwell Fay LLP
What is a QSLOB? Posted on Nov 30 2017 FILED UNDER Building Blocks of ERISA This month’s Building Block provides basic information about “qualified separate lines of business” (QSLOB).
DA:48PA:59MOZ Rank:34
Treas Reg 1.414
- Qualified Separate Line of Business Retirement Learning ...
In order to be a qualified SLOB (QSLOB), the SLOB must meet three additional requirements: 1) it must have 50 dedicated employees at all times during the testing year; 2) the employer must notify the Secretary of the Treasury that it intends to treat a SLOB as a QSLOB (by filing IRS Form 5310-A, Notice of Plan Merger or Consolidation, Spinoff, or Transfer of Plan Assets or Liabilities; Notice of Qualified Separate Lines of Business; and 3) the SLOB must satisfy the administrative scrutiny ...
DA:100PA:48MOZ Rank:88
Qslob Requirements

- Qualified Separate Line of Business (QSLOB) [2017]
The Qualified Separate Line of Business (QSLOB) rules can allow employers to split its business into distinct entities for plan coverage and testing purposes In some instances, the QSLOB rules would benefit the employer’s objectives, but the requirements are complex and unfamiliar to most administrators and recordkeepers.
DA:72PA:86MOZ Rank:72
- Instructions for Form 5310-A (Rev. December 2020)
QSLOB basis. If such notice is not filed on or before the notification date for the 2020 testing year, the notice filed for the 2019 testing year will be treated as the only notice filed for the 2020 testing year (see Part III). Exceptions From Filing Notice of Plan Merger or Consolidation, Spinoff, or Transfer of Plan Assets or Liabilities
DA:9PA:91MOZ Rank:57

- DC-3: Defined Contribution Administrative Issues Advanced ...
basics of qualified plans and are ready to take on more advanced topics. The coursework begins with a study of leased employees and the different types of business entities. It then moves on to cover employer situations such as determining controlled groups and affiliated service groups. Compensation is a key component of proper plan administration.
DA:80PA:84MOZ Rank:82
- chapter 10-coverage and nondiscrimination
Employees of QSLOB’s, and Certain terminating employees. Application See Form 5300 #13, Form 5307 #11 and Form 5310 #13 . Chapter 10- Coverage and Nondiscrimination Page 10-8 Coverage and nondiscrimination The Average Benefits Test The average benefits test
DA:56PA:30MOZ Rank:45
Qslob 401k
- Common Problems in M&A: The 410(b)(6) Transition Period
–Qualified separate lines of business (QSLOB) (must meet one of the other two tests, but can do so with reference to only a specific group of
DA:31PA:37MOZ Rank:18