N Quotes Pokemon
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These are Grimsley's quotes in the Pokémon games.
- 1In the core series
- 2In spin-off games
In the core series
Pokémon Black and White
- Initial battle
- Before battle
- 'Man oh man... What is going on today? Challengers coming one right after another. Well, no matter. I am Grimsley of the Elite Four, and I will fulfill my duty to be your opponent.'
- During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
- 'I never thought you would use that move... Not a bad choice at all.'
- After sending out last Pokémon
- 'Good, good... But I will never retreat from any battle.'
- During battle (less than half HP)
- 'Even in this situation, there must be a way to triumph!'
- When defeated
- 'If somebody wins a battle, then, without doubt, someone else has lost the battle. That's the way of battle. A real warrior doesn't dash off in pursuit of the next victory, nor throw a fit when experiencing a loss. A real warrior ponders the next battle.'
- After being defeated
- 'Whether or not you get to fight at full strength, whether or not luck smiles on you--none of that matters. Only results matter. And a loss is a loss. See, victory shines like a bright light. And right now, you and your Pokémon are shining brilliantly.'
- General afterword
- 'Now, I'm nothing more than the guy who lost... Nothing more, nothing less. Sigh... You should take that strength and test it against the rest of the Elite Four.'
- If defeated last
- 'Astonishing! You have defeated every member of the Pokémon League's Elite Four. But it isn't over yet. There is one more opponent against whom you must prove your strength. The pinnacle of the Pokémon League, the Champion, Alder... Or, perhaps, that man called N has defeated him and taken his title. I don't know which one you will face, but check the statue in the central plaza, and continue to the final room.'
- Rematch
- Before battle
- 'Life is a serious battle, and you have to use the tools you're given. It's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponents were dealt. Let us begin. And may the best Trainer win! Contests like this are proof that you are really living...'
- During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
- 'You use the move here... It's good. It's fascinating.'
- After sending out last Pokémon
- 'Well... I've never withdrawn from any battles.'
- During battle (less than half HP)
- 'Even in this situation, there must be a way...to win.'
- When defeated
- 'If somebody wins, the person who fought against that person will lose. That's battle. A good contender just seeks the next victory without bragging after winning, and without getting upset after losing.'
- After being defeated
- 'There are bad ways to win-- and good ways to lose. What's interesting and troubling is that it's not always clear which is which. A flipped coin doesn't always land heads or tails. Sometimes it may never land at all...'
- General afterword
- 'Excellent! The nice thing about Pokémon battles is they teach the loser something, as well. That said... You should take that strength and test it against the rest of the Elite Four!'
- If defeated last
- 'Astonishing! You have defeated every member of the Pokémon League's Elite Four. But it isn't over yet. There is one more opponent against whom you must prove your strength. Check the statue in the central plaza, and continue to the final room.'
Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
- Initial battle
- Before battle
- 'What will be determined here is which of us can absorb the opponent's light and shine... But who will decide that? It shall be I, Grimsley of the Elite Four, and I will fulfill my duty to be your opponent.'
- During battle (the first non-KO HP loss or switch)
- 'Now why would you use that move? If I can figure that out, I may be able to win!'
- After sending out last Pokémon
- 'A beautiful loss is still a loss, and an ugly win is still a win!'
- During battle (less than half HP)

- 'Even in a tough situation like this, there must be a way to triumph!'
- When defeated
- 'Where there's a winner, there's also a loser. It's pathetic to make a big deal out of losing if you weren't prepared. If you're a true Pokémon battler, you'll reflect upon your loss and think about how to win next time!'
- After being defeated
- 'Whether or not you get to fight at full strength, whether or not luck smiles on you--none of that matters. Only results matter. And a loss is a loss. See, victory shines like a bright light. And right now, you and your Pokémon are shining brilliantly.'
- General afterword
- 'Now, I'm nothing more than the one who lost his light... But this loss will make me shine even brighter next time... If I think that way, it's not too bad. Sigh... You should take that strength and test it against the rest of the Elite Four.'
- If defeated last
- 'Astonishing! You have defeated every member of the Pokémon League's Elite Four. But it isn't over yet. There is one more opponent against whom you must prove your strength. Check the statue in the central plaza, and continue to the final room.'
- Rematch
- Before battle
- 'Life is a serious battle, and you have to use the tools you're given. It's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponents were dealt. Let us begin. And may the best Trainer win! Contests like this are proof that you are really living...'
- During battle (the first non-KO HP loss)
- 'I never thought you would use that move... Not a bad choice at all.'
- After sending out last Pokémon
- 'Those who give up on themselves can never claim victory!'
- During battle (less than half HP)
- 'There's got to be a way to win... Even in the most extreme of conditions!'
- When defeated
- 'Which Pokémon should I raise? Which moves should I teach my Pokémon? What items should I give my Pokémon? You need to think everything through very thoroughly if you want to win! In that sense, you're a very impressive battler!'
- After being defeated
- 'There are bad ways to win-- and good ways to lose. What's interesting and troubling is that it's not always clear which is which. A flipped coin doesn't always land heads or tails. Sometimes it may never land at all...'
- General afterword
- 'There's nothing left for the loser. I guess that's not true... Everything has a meaning. I just have to use the disappointment as a motivation to get strong. That said... You should take that strength and test it against the rest of the Elite Four!'
- If defeated last
- 'Astonishing! You have defeated every member of the Pokémon League's Elite Four. But it isn't over yet. There is one more opponent against whom you must prove your strength. Check the statue in the central plaza, and continue to the final room.'
Pokémon Sun and Moon
- Route 15
- 'Man oh man... What is going on today? Someone actually bothered coming to this kind of sad place?'
- 'Well, no matter. I'll take you on. Keep you company. Tell me. Uncle Grimsley is going to flip a coin. Will it be heads or tails?'
- Heads/Tails: '...Astonishing. You just took a stab, like some kind of prophet. Right now, you and your Pokémon are shining brilliantly.'
- Neither: '...Astonishing. I had indeed been planning to have Skarmory snatch it out of the air as it spun in the sky.'
- 'A loss is a loss. I'll give you Sharpedo's info for your Ride Pager then. Ride it to victory.'
- 'Maybe you don't need to hear this from me, but I'm going to tell you anyway. If you press Ⓑ while riding on Sharpedo there, it'll jet forward and smash through rocks like those ones there.'
- 'And here's a bit more unwanted advice. Po Town lies at the other end of Route 16 here. But it's thoroughly occupied by Team Skull. You shouldn't go there unless you want trouble.'
- If talked to again
- 'If somebody wins a battle, then without doubt, someone else has lost the battle. That's the way of battle. I hope I might battle you someday.'
- Battle Tree
- Before battle
- 'The winner takes everything, and there's nothing left for the loser.'
- Upon being defeated
- 'When one loses, they lose everything... The next thing I'll look for will be victory, too!'
- If the player is defeated
- 'If somebody wins, the person who fought against that person will lose.'
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
- Route 15
- 'A trial-goer, huh? And why would you be coming to a lonely odd place like this?'
- Regardless of choice: 'Uh-huh... I see you've got your reasons.'
- 'Then...I'll take you on. Tell me. Uncle Grimsley is going to flip a coin. Will it be heads or tails?'
- Heads/Tails: '...Astonishing. You just took a stab, like some kind of prophet. Right now, you and your Pokémon are shining brilliantly.'
- Neither: '...Astonishing. I had indeed been planning to have Skarmory snatch it out of the air as it spun in the sky.'
- 'A loss is a loss. I'll give you Sharpedo's info for your Ride Pager then. Ride it to victory.'
- 'Maybe you don't need to hear this from me, but I'm going to tell you anyway. If you press Ⓑ while riding on Sharpedo there, it'll jet forward and smash through rocks like those ones there.'
- 'And here's a bit more unwanted advice. Po Town lies at the other end of Route 16 here. But it's thoroughly occupied by Team Skull. You shouldn't go there unless you want trouble.'
- If talked to again
- 'If somebody wins a battle, then without doubt, someone else has lost the battle. That's the way of battle. I hope I might battle you someday.'
- ???
- 'Sometimes you have to lay everything on the line in life, and risk it all... When I did that, though, I'm afraid I lost. I took to walking along the shore in my despair. And before I even noticed what I was doing, I ended up riding Alola's waves together with Sharpedo and Mantine... That's right... The role I'm meant to play now is to teach others what it means to ride...'
- After becoming the Champion
- 'Champion, huh... That's a title I haven't heard in a while. Allow me to offer my congratulations as a former member of the Unovaregion's own Elite Four... when we meet at Poni Island's Battle Tree!'
- Battle Tree
- Before battle
- 'The winner takes everything, and there's nothing left for the loser.'
- Upon being defeated
- 'When one loses, they lose everything... The next thing I'll look for will be victory, too!'
- If the player is defeated
- 'If somebody wins, the person who fought against that person will lose.'

In spin-off games
Pokémon Masters EX
- Main article: Grimsley (Masters)
- Menu interface (voice clips)
- After being recruited
- 'Call me Grimsley. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a risk taker. I live for battles! That's my destiny.'
- After being recruited (Sygna Suit)
- 'To risk it all...just one Trainer and one Pokémon... It's like candy for a thrill seeker like me.'
- Sync pair viewer
- 'Life is a serious battle. And you've got to do your best with the hand you're dealt.'
- 'When somebody wins, somebody also has to lose. That's just the way of battle.'
- Sync pair viewer (Sygna Suit)
- 'Learning how to utilize the cards you're dealt is an important skill to master.'
- 'Where there's a winner, there's a loser. True battlers reflect on their losses and think about how to win next time.'
- Selection screen (forming team)
- 'I'll show you what it means to be a real Trainer.'
- Selection screen (forming team) (Sygna Suit)
- 'Following your lead seems like a good bet.'
- Upon learning a new move
- 'Time to celebrate.'
- Upon learning a new move (Sygna Suit)
- 'This could be our new trump card.'
- Upon leveling-up
- 'I feel like a winner today.'
- Upon leveling-up (Sygna Suit)
- 'The odds are in our favor now.'
- Upon reaching max level
- 'Looks like I'm holding all the cards now.'
- Upon reaching max level (Sygna Suit)
- 'Guess who's holding all the aces!'
- Upon unlocking a new level cap
- 'Trusting yourself is part of becoming a strong Trainer.'
- Upon unlocking a new level cap (Sygna Suit)
- 'Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is the key to winning.'
- During conversation
- 'Hey, you.'
- 'Hmph!'
- 'I will never retreat.'
- 'Good job.'
- 'Do you have a moment?'
- 'Nothing to be done...'
- 'Victory shines like a bright light.'
- 'What?'
- During conversation (Sygna Suit)
- 'Well, well.'
- During special gift conversation
- 'Use this. For victory.'
- Battle interface (voice clips)
- Co-op match screen
N Quotes Pokemon
- 'Only results matter.'
- VS screen
- 'May the best Trainer win.'
- VS screen (Sygna Suit)
- 'Winner takes all!'
- Battle start
- 'Now!'
- Battle start (Sygna Suit)
- 'Ready?'
- Using Pokémon move
- 'Go!'
- 'This is it!'
- Using Pokémon move (Sygna Suit)
- 'There!'
- 'Now!'
- Using item (Sygna Suit)

- 'My turn.'
- Using Trainer move
- 'I never miss a chance.'
- Using Sync Move
- 'It's show time!'
- Using Sync Move (Sygna Suit)
- 'All cards on the table.'
- Unity Move
- 'Destiny!'
- 'Win!'
- Unity Move (Sygna Suit)
- 'Destiny!'
- Recalling fainted Pokémon
- 'That was bad luck.'
- 'Watch out' emote (Sygna Suit)
- 'Don't get too hasty.'
- Defeat
- 'A loss is a loss.'
- Defeat (Sygna Suit)
- 'Fair game.'
- Main Story Chapter 24 - A Shining Spotlight
- A Dazzling New Stage: Part 3
- 'A battle is a fluid thing, and the advantage changes back and forth. That kind of uncertain chance is what makes it interesting.'
- 'I'm going to really enjoy battling him/her.'
- 'It'll be a great battle that will rage like churning waters on the stormy seas...'
- Main Story Chapter 25 - A Glorious Gambit
- A Glorious Gambit: Part 1

- '... ... ...'
- 'You've got me wrong. All-or-nothing games aren't my style.'
- 'Every card in the deck has the potential to bring home a win. All I do is show them the way.'
- 'I've never withdrawn from any battles.'
- 'But, well, what's a player to do when they don't have a single card to play?'
- 'I think it's about time I cut my losses.'
- 'See what's next out there for ol' Grimsley...'
- 'Hello there, Will. Karen.'
- 'What business could a couple of Indigo Elite Four members possibly have with me?'
- '... ... ...'
- '... ... ...'
- 'The winner takes everything, and there's nothing left for the loser.'
- 'That's been the philosophy guiding all my battles up till now, and that's not about to change.'
- 'In the heat of the moment, I could choose to make a move, believing it would win us the battle...'
- 'but the cost of that choice would be that your dear partner Pokémon get hurt.'
- 'Are you sure you can stand here in front of your partners and tell me that's all right?'
- '... ... ...'
- 'What?'
- '... ... ...'
- 'All right. Then...I'll take you on.'
- 'Ol' Grimsley is going to flip a coin. Heads, you two win and I join your team.'
- 'Tails, you lose and we forget about all this talk.'
- 'Heh. No need to worry.'
- 'Those who give up on themselves can never claim victory.'
- 'But for those who don't give up, anything is possible...'
- 'Well, hello again, <player> and his/her teammates.'
- 'Well, after some twists and turns, yes.'
- 'Looks like I was right when I said we'd be fighting on opposing teams the next time we meet, huh, Nanu?'
- 'Why, yes. Allow me to introduce you to Sharpedo.'
- 'I realized a more aggressive fighting style would help me bring out the best plays for this team.'
- 'It seems the sheer thrill of my new style really inspired the designer of these sygna suits, and...well, the outfit clearly speaks for itself.'
- 'Oops! Sorry about that! He's a bit of a wild one.'
- 'But his fearlessness more than makes up for it. He doesn't mind taking a few licks if it means winning the battle.'
- '<Player>, Nanu... Victory is calling me.'
- 'My team and I are going to take the entire PML!'
- 'I'm putting everything on the line in this battle.'
- 'Let the game begin!'
N From Pokemon Quotes
- Story Event - Family Ties
- Gladion the Gladiator?
- 'This must be Gladion.'
- 'I see what you meant, Hapu. He does have a sharp look in his eyes.'
- 'Hmph.'
- 'I'm Grimsley, one of the Unova Elite Four.'
- 'Hmph.'
- 'And I'll be waiting to battle you myself once you get there.'
- 'Hmph. Give it your best shot, Gladion the Gladiator.'
- Pokémon Center
- Random conversation
- 'The Pokémon you choose, the moves they use, and the Trainers you team up with...'
- 'are all impeccable choices, the way I see it. You know how it feels to thirst for victory and triumph.'
- 'From my perspective, it looks like you still have some room to grow when it comes to following through on the battlefield...'
- 'but if that's just your playfulness that I'm seeing, then perhaps I'm wrong.'
- If spoken to again
- 'After all, having a thirst for victory is not a bad thing in and of itself...'
- 'but if you can afford to have some fun along the way, it should be encouraged.'
- 'A bit of adventurousness can be the ace up your sleeve, you know. I can appreciate that in a battle opponent.'
- Random conversation
- 'You like Pokémon, don't you?'
- 'I love Pokémon more than anything else in the world, as all Trainers do...'
- 'but let me get one thing off my chest.'
- 'Battles can be used to settle a lot of different things.'
- 'However, battling others just to profess that your love is better than theirs... That's just deplorable.'
- If spoken to again
- 'Telling someone that their feelings are wrong--or getting in the way of someone else's love--is not a nice thing to do.'
- 'When it comes to loving your Pokémon, everyone can be a champion.'
- Random conversation
Pokemon Quotes Inspirational
- 'Highly competitive Trainers don't tend to flock together.'
- 'You see, the strongest Trainers know they'll eventually have to face one another, and that doesn't lend itself to chummy teamwork.'
- 'That being said, teaming up with you and claiming victory together versus individually... That has its own brilliant shine.'
- 'I want to experience more of that shine.'
- If spoken to again
- 'Being a Pokémon Trainer isn't something you can do alone.'
- 'You always have your Pokémon fighting there beside you. You can't have a real battle otherwise.'
- 'In order to win, you have to be able to trust your Pokémon and your Pokémon has to have faith in you.'
- 'The Trainers who possess the strongest trust are the ones who will win--particularly here on Pasio with this many Trainers competing.'
- Random conversation
- 'It's plain to see that every Trainer here on Pasio has a thirst for battle--myself among them.'
- 'I, too, wish to revel in the joy of Pokémon battling.'
- 'I wonder... Who do you think will rise to the top and claim victory here on Pasio?'
- 'I suppose that's a foolish question--the natural response of any Trainer would be themselves, of course.'
- If spoken to again
- 'If I had to wager a guess at who lady luck favors most, besides myself...'
- 'well, I suppose I'd wager on you--hypothetically, of course. You have potential. I see great things in your future.'
- 'Why not cast your lot with me, and we can claim victory together?'
- Random conversation
- 'In a Pokémon battle, we seek victory--never defeat.'
- 'For us, battling with our Pokémon is a way to satisfy our desire to win--to get what we want.'
- 'I don't let myself get distracted by losses or grow bigheaded when victorious--I simply seek to win my next battle.'
- 'That is my pure and honest desire, and I have no need to hesitate.'
- If spoken to again
- 'It's not wrong to thirst for battle.'
- 'A pure, true desire to win has the power to change one's fate, despite the inevitable losses one must sometimes face.'
- 'When the time comes for you to face adversity, I wonder how the cards will fall.'
- Random conversation
- 'One of my comrades back home is a Pokémon called Bisharp, a species native to the Unova region.'
- 'Bisharp's body is protected by steel armor, and it has a fondness for slicing into whatever it sees.'
- 'It glides through the battlefield regally, like shuffling a deck of cards.'
- 'The way it seems to own the battle with its charm has made it one of my favorite Pokémon to battle with.'
- If spoken to again
- 'I hope someday you, too, will discover a Pokémon that draws your gaze with its beauty and charm in battle.'
- 'When you do, I have a feeling you'll develop a new thirst for victory within you as well.'
- Special gift conversation
- 'Ah, looks like I caught you at just the right time. I have something for you.'
- 'Here, don't be shy. May it serve you well.'
- 'If you want more, you'll have to fend for yourself.'
- Special Unova Rally conversation with Marshal, with Shauntal watching
- 'Time's up.'
- 'So what's it gonna be, Marshal?'
- 'It's tails. You lose again, Marshal.'
- 'You said you wanted special training to learn how to read your opponent's expressions in Pokémon battles, right?'
- 'But I think there are better ways for you to get stronger.'
- 'Heh, I like that gusto.'
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